The History of the Beginnings of the French Protectorate of Tunisia (1881-1884)

Volume Volume X|Issue 22| Feb 2025 |Research Papers


​France met between 1881 and 1884 resistance in Tunisia through peaceful and armed means that were not referred to by most Western and French historical references. The first years of the French occupation witnessed important politi-cal and diplomatic roles played by some historical figures who remained absent in the History of Tunisia, like General Muhammad al-Arabi Zarouk and Com-mander Ali bin Khalifa al-Nafati. These events remain rich in meanings and still need more care in order to scrutinize their main effects. We were able, thanks to a special meeting with the grandson of General Muhammad Al-Arabi Zarouk, Mr. Ahmed Zarrouk, to find out some other facts that can be valued and added to the knowledge gained on the subject.

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