Ottoman Historians and State Reform A Study Through Historical Sources

Volume 7- المجلد السابع (2021)|Issue 13| Jan 2021 |Research Papers


Since the end of the sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire faced deep challenges due to crises affecting its most important political, military, administrative and financial institutions, with repercussions on the central authority and its subordinate states as well. Through their historical writings Ottoman historians suggested solutions and projects to overcome the state’s crisis and reform its institutions. This research aims to shed light on the most prominent Ottoman historians’ views of the Empire's crises and suggestions for reform: Lütfi Paşa Bin Muin Al-Albani (d. About 1562 AD), Mustafa Ali Al-Gallipoli (1541-1600 AD), Hassan Kafi Al-Aqsari (d.1617 AD), Kâtip Çelebi (Haji Khalifeh) (1609-1657AD), Husayn Effendi al-Rumi, known as “Hazarvin” (d.1691 / 1692 CE), Goji Bey (d. 1648 CE), and İbrahim Müteferrika (1674-1744 CE).

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