The second part of the Ostour Journal for Historical Studies seminar “One Hundred Years Since the Balfour Declaration” is published in this issue as part of the Fifth Annual Conference for Historical Studies: The Nakba and the Question of Palestine in Arab History Writing, held in May 12-1(, 2018 in Doha, Qatar. The Balfour Declaration and its reception by the Arabs is here discussed with contributions from three historians who look at different aspects of the subject. Mohammed Hazmawi deals with the role of Herbert Samuel, the British Zionist and first High Commissioner of Mandate Palestine, in the Balfour Declaration and in implementing policies in Palestine that aimed to realize the Zionist project. Johnny Mansour looks at Palestinian and Arab reactions to the Declaration from its publication until the Congress of Versailles around one year later. Fathi Lissir traces that context when he deals with the reactions of the Arab leaderships, especially leaders of the national movement at the time.