Moroccan Northern Tribes' Awareness of Palestine's Tragedy

This article offers a number of official Makhzen documents dating back to the period between 1939 and 1948, highlighting the support provided by the Moroccan Rif region (which was under the Spanish protectorate between 1912 - 1956) to the Palestinian people, in spite of the then difficult circumstances caused by Spanish colonialism. This aid, despite of its symbolism, reflects an awareness among these tribes of the nature of the tragedy of the Palestinian people caused by the Zionist movement.

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This article offers a number of official Makhzen documents dating back to the period between 1939 and 1948, highlighting the support provided by the Moroccan Rif region (which was under the Spanish protectorate between 1912 - 1956) to the Palestinian people, in spite of the then difficult circumstances caused by Spanish colonialism. This aid, despite of its symbolism, reflects an awareness among these tribes of the nature of the tragedy of the Palestinian people caused by the Zionist movement.
