Ex-Libris: Chronicles of Theft, Preservation, and Appropriating at the Jewish National Library

Ex-Libris: Chronicles of Theft, Preservation, and Appropriating at the Jewish National Library exposes another aspect of Israel's crimes against the Palestinians during the 1948 war, when it plundered Arab books – from the homes of their Palestinian owners or from Palestinian institutions and libraries – following the occupation of Palestinian towns and villages and the expulsion of their residents. The 229 page book was published in Hebrew in 2014 by the Van Leer Institute in West Jerusalem and comprises an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion. Originally the author's doctoral dissertation at Ben Gurion University in the Negev, the book's research relies on primary sources preserved in the archive of the Jewish National Library – which is part of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem – interviews, and secondary sources with relevance to the subject.

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Ex-Libris: Chronicles of Theft, Preservation, and Appropriating at the Jewish National Library exposes another aspect of Israel's crimes against the Palestinians during the 1948 war, when it plundered Arab books – from the homes of their Palestinian owners or from Palestinian institutions and libraries – following the occupation of Palestinian towns and villages and the expulsion of their residents. The 229 page book was published in Hebrew in 2014 by the Van Leer Institute in West Jerusalem and comprises an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion. Originally the author's doctoral dissertation at Ben Gurion University in the Negev, the book's research relies on primary sources preserved in the archive of the Jewish National Library – which is part of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem – interviews, and secondary sources with relevance to the subject.
