The Negotiations between the Jewish Agency and the Syrian National Bloc

In its efforts to establish a Jewish State in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian people, and its fight against the Palestinian national movement, the Jewish Agency in Palestine, the forerunner of the Israeli state, constantly interfered in the domestic affairs of neighboring Arab countries. This intervention intensified during the 1936-1939 Palestine Rebellion, and the Political Department of the Jewish Agency recruited agents in these countries while also communicating illicitly with elites and local leaders there. This article examines the Jewish Agency’s efforts during the Palestinian Rebellion to influence the Syrian National Block, which was leading the Syrian people’s struggle for independence from France. It details the content of these secret and officially recorded negotiations during that time period.

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In its efforts to establish a Jewish State in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian people, and its fight against the Palestinian national movement, the Jewish Agency in Palestine, the forerunner of the Israeli state, constantly interfered in the domestic affairs of neighboring Arab countries. This intervention intensified during the 1936-1939 Palestine Rebellion, and the Political Department of the Jewish Agency recruited agents in these countries while also communicating illicitly with elites and local leaders there. This article examines the Jewish Agency’s efforts during the Palestinian Rebellion to influence the Syrian National Block, which was leading the Syrian people’s struggle for independence from France. It details the content of these secret and officially recorded negotiations during that time period.
