Hamdan Khoja’s Opinions on the Question of Algeria in His Correspondence to the Sublime Porte (1834-1835)

Volume 10|Issue 21| Jul 2024 |Primary Source


Hamdan bin Othman Khoja occupies a significant status in the modern history of Algeria due to his active involvement in several key events during the early French occupation. Consequently, he has been the subject of extensive research. However, several questions and controversies surrounding his positions and opinions persist, and a crucial aspect of Khoja’s writings and correspondence concerning the question of Algeria issue has not been adequately examined. To shed light on the positions of Hamdan Khoja, this research presents an analysis of two letters he addressed to the Ottoman state, preserved in the Ottoman archives. The significance of these documents lies in their portrayal of Khoja’s views in a manner distinct from his other writings, as they were addressed to what he perceived as an ally and pertained specifically to the Algerian issue. The research is divided into two main parts, the first of which introduces the documents and their relevance, while the second examines Khoja’s various positions on the question of Algeria through this correspondence.

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Researcher in the Department of Ottoman History at Istanbul University 1453, Istanbul.




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Arab Center